Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department

The Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department, shortly known as IACAD, is an agency under the government of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Founded in the year 1969, the department is responsible for drafting general policy and supervision of Islamic law, a religious endowment. Islamic affairs were subsequently added to its responsibilities. Its objective is spreading the Islamic knowledge and developing the Islamic religious awareness.
The Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities in Dubai (IACAD) has commenced a fit-out retrofit project in its headquarters in Mamzar, which includes changes in the architectural layouts, interior design, and finishes. These fit-out changes shall affect the air distribution system, e.g. ductwork and air outlets and inlets. Moreover, IACAD has conducted an internal survey to its existing equipment, such as, the chillers and air handling units, and found out that these equipment have almost reached their end of their lifecycle.
Accordingly, IACAD has decided to include the ventilation and air-conditioning (VAC) system in the retrofit scope, and appointed EMergy Consultancy to design the VAC system works, taking the above into consideration. For this purpose, EMergy Consultancy reviewed the existing VAC as-built drawings, reviewed the new fit-out drawings, conducted site surveys to gather information about the existing equipment and building envelope details, conducted meetings with the owner representatives to identify the owner’s project requirements (OPR), and conducted meetings with the fit-out contractor to understand the detailed extent of the fit-out works. EMergy Consultancy completed the Concept Design document for the VAC system and the new design of the ventilation and air conditioning (VAC) system, giving due consideration to the energy efficiency, indoor air comfort, humidity concerns, and odour control.
The air distribution in each space was designed to meet the highest level of indoor air quality. The chilled water system and its components are designed to achieve a high level of efficiency and smooth operations of the VAC system, and to ensure prompt response to the indoor load fluctuations and requirements.
Category: Design (Special Project)
Scope: VAC Design and Site Supervision
Client: Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department
Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates